Part 1 : Definitions


Definitions, forms and etc. 

2. Definitions.- In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires, 

(1) “Act” means the Companies Act, 2013 (18 of 2013); 

(2) “address for service” shall mean the address furnished by a party or his authorised representative at which service of summons, notices or other processes may be effected under these rules; 

(3) “advocate” means a person who is entitled to practise as such under the Advocates Act, 1961 (25 of 1961); 

(4) “applicant” means a petitioner or an appellant or any other person or entity capable of making an application including an interlocutory application or a petition or an appeal under the Act; 

(5) “application” means any application, interlocutory application or proceedings filed under the provisions of the Act, including any transferred application or transferred petition as defined under sub-rule (29) ; 

(6) “authorised representative" means a person authorised in writing by a party to present his case before the Tribunal as the representative of such party as provided under section 432 of the Act; 

(7) “Bench” means a Bench of the Tribunal constituted under section 419 of the Act and includes Circuit Benches constituted by the President with prior approval of the Central Government to sit at such other geographical locations as may be necessary having regard to requirements; 

(8) “Central Registry” means the registry in which all the applications or petitions and documents are received by the Registrar for allocation to the concerned Bench of the Tribunal for disposal; 

(9) “certified” means in relation to a copy of a document as hereunder;- (a) certified as provided in section 76 of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872; or (b) certified as provided in section 6 of Information Technology Act, 2000; or (c) certified copy issued by the Registrar of Companies under the Act; (d) copy of document as may be a downloaded from any online portal prescribed under section 398 of the Act or a photo copy of the original pertaining to any company registered with the Office of the Registrar of Companies of the concerned State duly certified by a legal practitioner or a chartered accountant or a cost accountant or a company secretary; 

(10) “certified by Tribunal” means in relation to a copy of a document, certified to be a true copy issued by the Registry or of a Bench of the Tribunal under its hand and seal and as provided in section 76 of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872 (1 of 1872); 

(11) “creditor” means any person to whom a debt is owed; 

(12) “fee” means the amount payable in pursuance of the provisions of the Act and these rules for any petition or application or interlocutory application or a document or for certified copy of document or order of the Tribunal or such other paper as may be specified in Schedule of Fees to these rules and includes any modifications as may be made thereto or any fee as prescribed for filing of documents to the Tribunal by these rules; 

(13) “filer” means an authorised representative of that person or any party to the proceedings who files any document with the Tribunal in relation to a case filed under the Act, or any rules thereunder; 

(14) “filed” means filed in the office of the Registry of the Tribunal; 

(15) “interlocutory application” means an application in any appeal or original petition on proceeding already instituted in the Tribunal, but not being a proceeding for execution of the order or direction of Tribunal; 

(16) “party” means a person who prefers an appeal or application or petition before the Tribunal and includes respondent or any person interested in the said appeal or application or petition including the Registrar of Companies or the Regional Director or Central Government or State Government or official liquidator and any person who has a right under the Act, or the Reserve Bank of India Act 1934 (2 of 1934) to make suggestions or submissions or objections or reply; 

(17) “petition” means a petition or an application or an appeal or a complaint in pursuance of which any proceeding is commenced before the Tribunal; 

(18) “person interested” means a shareholder, creditor, employee, transferee company and other company concerned in relation to the term or context referred to in the relevant provisions of the Act or any person aggrieved by any order or action of any company or its directors; 

(19) “pleadings” means and includes application including interlocutory application, petition, appeal, revision, reply, rejoinder, statement, counter claim, additional statement supplementing the original application and reply statement under these rules and as may be permitted by the Tribunal; 

(20) “reference" means a reference within the meaning of rule 88 of these rules; 

(21) “Registrar” means Registrar of the Tribunal and includes such other officer of the Tribunal or Bench to whom the powers and functions of the Registrar is delegated; (22) “Registry” means the Registry of the Tribunal or any of its Benches, as the case may be, which keeps records of the applications and documents relating thereto; 

(23) “Reserve Bank” means the Reserve Bank of India and includes its branches and agencies as defined in the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 (2 of 1934); 

(24) “Sealed” means sealed with the seal of the Tribunal; 

(25) “Secretary" means Secretary of the Tribunal and in the absence of Secretary, such other officer of the Tribunal to whom the powers and functions of the Secretary are delegated. 

(26) “secured creditor” means a creditor in whose favour a security interest is created; 

(27) “security interest” means right, title or interest or a claim to property, created in favour of, or provided for a secured creditor by a transaction which secures payment or performance of an obligation and includes mortgage, charge, hypothecation, assignment and encumbrance or any other agreement or arrangement securing payment or performance of any obligation of any person: Provided that security interest shall not include a performance guarantee. 

(28) “section” means a section of the Act; 

(29) “transferred application” or “transferred petition” means any proceeding which has been transferred to the Tribunal from the Company Law Board, the High Court, District Court, Board for Industrial and Financial Reconstruction as provided in clause (a), (c) and (d) of sub-section(1) of section 434 of the Act; 

(30) words and expressions used herein and not defined but defined in the Act shall have the respective meanings assigned to them in the Act. 

3. Computation of time period.- 

Where a period is prescribed by the Act and these rules or under any other law or is fixed by the Tribunal for doing any act, in computing the time, the day from which the said period is to be reckoned shall be excluded, and if the last day expires on a day when the office of the Tribunal is closed, that day and any succeeding days on which the Tribunal remains closed shall also be excluded. 

4. Forms.- 

The forms annexed as Annexure ‘A’ to these rules with such modifications or variations as the circumstances of each case may require shall be used for the purpose mentioned therein and where no form is prescribed to cover a contingency, a form as may be approved by the Registrar, shall be used. 

5. Format of order or direction or rule.- 

Every rule, direction, order, summons, warrant or other mandatory process shall be issued in the name of the President and shall be signed by the Registrar or any other officer specifically authorised in that behalf by the President, with the day, month and year of signing and shall be sealed with the seal of the Tribunal. 

6. Official seal of the Tribunal.-

The official seal and emblem of the Tribunal shall be such, as the Central Government may from time to time specify and shall be in the custody of the Registrar. 

7. Custody of the records.- 

The Registrar shall have the custody of the records of the Tribunal and no record or document filed in any cause or matter shall be allowed to be taken out of the custody of the Tribunal without the leave of the Tribunal: Provided that the Registrar may allow any other officer of the Tribunal to remove any official paper or record for administrative purposes from the Tribunal. 

8. Sitting of the Tribunal.- 

The Tribunal shall hold its sittings either at its headquarter or at such other place falling within its territorial jurisdiction as it may consider convenient. 

9. Sitting hours.- 

The sitting hours of the Tribunal shall ordinarily be from 10:30 AM to 1:00 PM and 2:00 P.M. to 4:30 PM, subject to any order made by the President. 

10. Working hours.- 

(1) Except on Saturdays, Sundays and other National Holiday, the office of the Tribunal shall remain open on all working days from 09.30 A.M. to 6.00 P.M. (2) The Filing Counter of the Registry shall be open on all working days from 10.30 AM to 5.00 P.M. 

11. Inherent Powers.- 

Nothing in these rules shall be deemed to limit or otherwise affect the inherent powers of the Tribunal to make such orders as may be necessary for meeting the ends of justice or to prevent abuse of the process of the Tribunal. 12. Calendar.- The calendar of days of working of Tribunal in a year shall be as decided by the President of the Tribunal. 

13. Listing of cases.- 

An urgent matter filed before 12 noon shall be listed before the Tribunal on the following working day, if it is complete in all respects as provided in these rules and in exceptional cases, it  may be received after 12 noon but before 3.00 P.M. for listing on the following day, with the specific permission of the Bench. 

14. Power to exempt.- 

The Tribunal may on sufficient cause being shown, exempt the parties from compliance with any requirement of these rules and may give such directions in matters of practice and procedure, as it may consider just and expedient on the application moved in this behalf to render substantial justice. 

15. Power to extend time.- 

The Tribunal may extend the time appointed by these rules or fixed by any order, for doing any act or taking any proceeding, upon such terms, if any, as the justice of the case may require, and any enlargement may be ordered, although the application therefore is not made until after the expiration of the time appointed or allowed.