Part - II   Power and functions of President, Registrar and Secretary

====== SECTION 16 ======

16. Functions of the President.- 

In addition to the general powers provided in the Act and in these rules the President shall exercise the following powers, namely:- 

(a) preside over the consideration of cases by the Tribunal; 

(b) direct the Registry in the performance of its functions; 

(c) prepare an annual report on the activities of the Tribunal; 

(d) transfer any case from one Bench to other Bench when the circumstances so warrant; 

(e) to withdraw the work or case from the court of a member. 

(f) perform the functions entrusted to the President under these rules and such other powers as my be relevant to carry out his duties as head of the Tribunal while exercising the general superintendence and control over the administrative functions of the Members, Registrar, Secretary and other staff of the Tribunal. 

====== SECTION 17 ======

17. Functions of the Registrar.- 

(1) The Registrar shall have the following functions, namely:- 

(a) registration of appeals, petitions and applications; 

(b) receive applications for amendment of appeal or the petition or application or subsequent proceedings. 

(c) receive applications for fresh summons or notices and regarding services thereof; 

(d) receive applications for fresh summons or notices and for short date summons and notices; 

(e) receive applications for substituted service of summons or notices; 

(f) receive applications for seeking orders concerning the admission and inspection of documents; 

(g) transmission of a direction or order to the civil court as directed by Tribunal with the prescribed certificates for execution etc., and 

(h) such other incidental or matters as the President may direct from time to time.

 (2) All adjournments shall normally be sought before the concerned Bench in court and in extraordinary circumstances, the Registrar may, if so directed by the Tribunal in chambers, at any time adjourn any matter and lay the same before the Tribunal in chambers. 

====== SECTION 18 ======

18. Functions of the Secretary– 

(1) There shall be a Secretary at the Principal Bench of the Tribunal, New Delhi. 

(2) The Secretary shall, under the general superintendence and control of the President, discharge such duties, functions and exercise such powers as are prescribed under these rules and as assigned by the President from time to time. 

(3) Secretary shall – 

(a) be in charge of the long term projects and initiatives of the Tribunal; 

(b) supervise the divisions and sections of the Human Resources; 

(c) prepare, monitor and manage budgetary allocations and financial managements of the Tribunal and the Benches; 

(d) provide all necessary support in the day to day operations of the Tribunal; 

(e) manage and supervise the facilities and administrative services of the Tribunal; 

(f) manage and administer the public grievances mechanism of the Tribunal; 

(g) coordinate with authorised representatives and other professionals in the smooth functioning of the Tribunal; 

(h) oversee information and communication technology and other technological facilities in the Tribunal; 

(i) manage and facilitate communication and services of the Tribunal; 

(j) manage, monitor and administer the public affairs and public safety provisions within the premises of the Tribunal; and 

(k) supervise library and research wings of the Tribunal. 

====== SECTION 19 ======

19. Delegation of powers by the President.- 

The President may assign or delegate to any suitable officer all or some of the functions required by these rules to be exercised by the Registrar.