PART- IV General procedure


General procedure 

34. General Procedure. - 

(1) In a situation not provided for in these rules, the Tribunal may, for reasons to be recorded in writing, determine the procedure in a particular case in accordance with the principles of natural justice. 

(2) The general heading in all proceedings before the Tribunal, in all advertisements and notices shall be in Form No. NCLT. 4. 

(3) Every petition or application or reference shall be filed in form as provided in Form No. NCLT. 1 with attachments thereto accompanied by Form No. NCLT.2 and in case of an interlocutory application, the same shall be filed in Form No. NCLT. 1 accompanied by such attachments thereto along with Form No. NCLT. 3. 

(4) Every petition or application including interlocutory application shall be verified by an affidavit in Form No. NCLT.6. Notice to be issued by the Tribunal to the opposite party shall be in Form NCLT-5. 

35. Advertisement detailing petition.- 

(1) Where any application, petition or reference is required to be advertised, it shall, unless the Tribunal otherwise orders, or these rules otherwise provide, be advertised in Form NCLT-3A, not less than fourteen days before the date fixed for hearing, at least once in a vernacular newspaper in the principal vernacular language of the district in which the registered office of the company is situate, and at least once in English language in an English newspaper circulating in that district. 

(2) Every such advertisement shall state;- (a) the date on which the application, petition or reference was presented; (b) the name and address of the applicant, petitioner and his authorised representative, if any; 

(c) the nature and substance of application, petition or reference; 

(d) the date fixed for hearing; 

(e) a statement to the effect that any person whose interest is likely to be affected by the proposed petition or who intends either to oppose or support the petition or reference at the hearing shall send a notice of his intention to the concerned Bench and the petitioner or his authorised representative, if any, indicating the nature of interest and grounds of opposition so as to reach him not later than two days previous to the day fixed for hearing. 

(3) Where the advertisement is being given by the company, then the same may also be placed on the website of the company, if any. 

(4) An affidavit shall be filed to the Tribunal, not less than three days before the date fixed for hearing, stating whether the petition has been advertised in accordance with this rule and whether the notices, if any, have been duly served upon the persons required to be served: Provided that the affidavit shall be accompanied with such proof of advertisement or of the service, as may be available. 

(5) Where the requirements of this rule or the direction of the Tribunal, as regards the advertisement and service of petition, are not complied with, the Tribunal may either dismiss the petition or give such further directions as it thinks fit. 

(6) The Tribunal may, if it thinks fit, and upon an application being made by the party, may dispense with any advertisement required to be published under this rule. 

36. Maintenance of Cash Register. - 

(1) If any payment has been received by way of Indian postal orders or demand drafts or in cash by the Registry, the transaction shall be entered immediately by the Registration Clerk on their receipt side in a Cash Register kept for the purpose.

 (2) On every next working day or the last working day of the week, the payments received during such day or week by way of Indian postal orders or demand drafts shall be transmitted by the Registration Clerk to the concerned official vested with the work pertaining to the Cashier who after scrutiny and verification shall acknowledge the receipt of all moneys in the Cash Register. 

(3) The official referred to in sub-rule (2) shall deposit all payments received by way of Indian postal order or demand draft or cash in the Bank account of the Tribunal.

37. Notice to Opposite Party.- 

(1) The Tribunal shall issue notice to the respondent to show cause against the application or petition on a date of hearing to be specified in the Notice. Such notice in Form No. NCLT.5 shall be accompanied by a copy of the application with supporting documents. (2) If the respondent does not appear on the date specified in the notice in Form No. NCLT.5, the Tribunal, after according reasonable opportunity to the respondent, shall forthwith proceed ex-parte to dispose of the application. 64 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART II—SEC. 3(i)] (3) If the respondent contests to the notice received under sub-rule (1), it may, either in person or through an authorised representative, file a reply accompanied with an affidavit and along with copies of such documents on which it relies, with an advance service to the petitioner or applicant, to the Registry before the date of hearing and such reply and copies of documents shall form part of the record. 38. Service of Notices and processes.- (1) Any notice or process to be issued by the Tribunal may be served by post or at the e-mail address as provided in the petition or application or in the reply; (2) The notice or process if to be served physically may be served in any one of the following modes as may be directed by the Tribunal; - (a) by hand delivery through a process server or respective authorised representative; (b) by registered post or speed post with acknowledgment due; or (c) service by the party himself. (3) Where a notice issued by the Tribunal is served by the party himself by hand delivery, he shall file with the Registrar or such other person duly authorised by the Registrar in this behalf, the acknowledgment together with an affidavit of service and in case of service by registered post or by speed post, file with the Registrar, or such other person duly authorised by the Registrar in this behalf, an affidavit of service of notice alongwith the proof of delivery. (4) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-rules (1) and (2), the Tribunal may after taking into account the number of respondents and their place of residence or work or service could not be effected in any manner and other circumstances, direct that notice of the petition or application shall be served upon the respondents in any other manner, including any manner of substituted service, as it appears to the Tribunal just and convenient. (5) A notice or process may also be served on an authorised representative of the applicant or the respondent, as the case may be, in any proceeding or on any person authorised to accept a notice or a process, and such service on the authorised representative shall be deemed to be a proper service. (6) Where the Tribunal directs a service under sub-rule (4), such amount of charges, as may be determined by the Tribunal from time to time, but not exceeding the actual charges incurred in effecting the service, shall be deposited with the registry of the Tribunal by the petitioner or applicant. 39. Production of Evidence by Affidavit.- (1) The Tribunal may direct the parties to give evidence, if any, by affidavit. (2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-rule (1), where the Tribunal considers it necessary in the interest of natural justice, it may order cross-examination of any deponent on the points of conflict either through information and communication technology facilities such as video conferencing or otherwise as may be decided by the Tribunal, on an application moved by any party. (3) Every affidavit to be filed before the Tribunal shall be in Form No. NCLT.7. 40. Production of additional evidence before the Bench. - (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in rule 39, the parties to the proceedings shall not be entitled to produce before the Bench additional evidence, either oral or documentary, which was in the possession or knowledge but was not produced before the Inspector, appointed by the Central Government for the purpose of investigating the affairs of the concerned company, during investigation under Chapter XIV of the Act, but if the Bench requires any additional evidence or document to be produced or any witness to be examined or any affidavit to be filed to enable it to pass orders or for any other substantial cause, or if the Inspector so appointed for the said purpose has not given sufficient opportunity to the party to adduce evidence, the Bench, for reasons to be recorded, may allow such document to be produced or witness to be examined or affidavit to be filed or may allow such evidence to be produced. (2) Such document may be produced or such witness examined or such evidence adduced either before the Bench or before such authority as the Bench may direct. (3) If the document is directed to be produced or witness examined or evidence adduced before any authority, the party shall comply with the direction of the Bench and after compliance, send the document, the record of the deposition of the witness or the record of the evidence adduced, to the Bench. ¹Hkkx IIµ[k.M 3(i)º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 65 (4) Additional evidence or document shall be made available by the Bench to the parties to the proceedings other than the party adducing the evidence and they shall be afforded an opportunity to rebut the contents of the said additional evidence. 41. Filing of Reply and other Documents by the Respondents. - (1) Each respondent may file his reply to the petition or the application and copies of the documents, either in person or through an authorised representative, with the registry as specified by the Tribunal. (2) A copy of the reply or the application and the copies of other documents shall be forthwith served on the applicant by the respondent. (3) To the reply or documents filed under sub-rule (1), the respondent shall specifically admit, deny or rebut the facts stated by the applicant in his petition or application and state such additional facts as may be found necessary in his reply. 42. Filing of Rejoinder. - Where the respondent states such additional facts as may be necessary for the just decision of the case, the Bench may allow the petitioner to file a rejoinder to the reply filed by the respondent, with an advance copy to be served upon the respondent. 43. Power of the Bench to call for further information or evidence. - (1) The Bench may, before passing orders on the petition or application, require the parties or any one or more of them, to produce such further documentary or other evidence as it may consider necessary:- (a) for the purpose of satisfying itself as to the truth of the allegations made in the petition or application; or (b) for ascertaining any information which, in the opinion of the Bench, is necessary for the purpose of enabling it to pass orders in the petition or application. (2) Without prejudice to sub-rule (1), the Bench may, for the purpose of inquiry or investigation, as the case may be, admit such documentary and other mode of recordings in electronic form including e-mails, books of accounts, book or paper, written communications, statements, contracts, electronic certificates and such other similar mode of transactions as may legally be permitted to take into account of those as admissible as evidence under the relevant laws. (3) Where any party preferring or contesting a petition of oppression and mismanagement raises the issue of forgery or fabrication of any statutory records, then it shall be at liberty to move an appropriate application for forensic examination and the Bench hearing the matter may, for reasons to be recorded, either allow the application and send the disputed records for opinion of Central Forensic Science Laboratory at the cost of the party alleging fabrication of records, or dismiss such application. 44. Hearing of petition or applications.- (1) The Tribunal shall notify to the parties the date and place of hearing of the petition or application in such manner as the President or a Member may, by general or special order, direct. (2) Where at any stage prior to the hearing of the petition or application, the applicant desires to withdraw his petition or application, he shall make an application to that effect to the Tribunal, and the Tribunal on hearing the applicant and if necessary, such other party arrayed as opposite parties in the petition or the application or otherwise, may permit such withdrawal upon imposing such costs as it may deem fit and proper for the Tribunal in the interests of the justice. 45. Rights of a party to appear before the Tribunal.- (1) Every party may appear before a Tribunal in person or through an authorised representative, duly authorised in writing in this behalf. (2) The authorised representative shall make an appearance through the filing of Vakalatnama or Memorandum of Appearance in Form No. NCLT. 12 representing the respective parties to the proceedings. (3) The Central Government, the Regional Director or the Registrar of Companies or Official Liquidator may authorise an officer or an Advocate to represent in the proceedings before the Tribunal. (4) The officer authorised by the Central Government or the Regional Director or the Registrar of Companies or the Official Liquidator shall be an officer not below the rank of Junior Time Scale or company prosecutor. 66 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART II—SEC. 3(i)] (5) During any proceedings before the Tribunal, it may for the purpose of its knowledge, call upon the Registrar of Companies to submit information on the affairs of the company on the basis of information available in the MCA21 portal. Reasons for such directions shall be recorded in writing. (6) There shall be no audio or video recording of the Bench proceedings by the parties or their authorised representatives. 46. Registration of authorised representative’s interns.- (1) No intern employed by an authorised representative shall act as such before the Tribunal or be permitted to have access to the records and obtain copies of the orders of a Bench of the Tribunal in which the authorised representative ordinarily appears, unless his name is entered in the register of interns maintained by the Bench. (2) An authorised representative desirous of registering his intern shall make a petition or an application to the Registrar in Form NCLT 10 and on such application being allowed by the Registrar, his name shall be entered in the register of interns. 47. Oath to the witness.- The Bench Officer or the Court Officer, as the case may be, shall administer the following oath to a witness:- “I do swear in the name of God / solemnly affirm that what I shall state shall be the truth and nothing but the truth.” 48. Consequence of non-appearance of applicant.- (1) Where on the date fixed for hearing of the petition or application or on any other date to which such hearing may be adjourned, the applicant does not appear when the petition or the application is called for hearing, the Tribunal may, in its discretion, either dismiss the application for default or hear and decide it on merit. (2) Where the petition or application has been dismissed for default and the applicant files an application within thirty days from the date of dismissal and satisfies the Tribunal that there was sufficient cause for his non-appearance when the petition or the application was called for hearing, the Tribunal shall make an order restoring the same: Provided that where the case was disposed of on merits the decision shall not be re-opened. 49. Ex-parte Hearing and disposal.- (1) Where on the date fixed for hearing the petition or application or on any other date to which such hearing may be adjourned, the applicant appears and the respondent does not appear when the petition or the application is called for hearing, the Tribunal may adjourn the hearing or hear and decide the petition or the application ex-parte. (2) Where a petition or an application has been heard ex-parte against a respondent or respondents, such respondent or respondents may apply to the Tribunal for an order to set it aside and if such respondent or respondents satisfies the Tribunal that the notice was not duly served, or that he or they were prevented by any sufficient cause from appearing (when the petition or the application was called) for hearing, the Tribunal may make an order setting aside the ex-parte hearing as against him or them upon such terms as it thinks fit. Provided that where the ex-parte hearing of the petition or application is of such nature that it cannot be set aside as against one respondent only, it may be set aside as against all or any of the other respondents also. 

50. Registry to send certified copy.-

The Registry shall send a certified copy of final order passed to the parties concerned free of cost and the certified copies may be made available with cost as per Schedule of fees, in all other cases. 51. Power to regulate the procedure.- The Tribunal may regulate its own procedure in accordance with the rules of natural justice and equity, for the purpose of discharging its functions under the Act. 

52. Summoning of witnesses and recording Evidence.- 

(1) If a petition or an application is presented by any party to the proceedings for summoning of witnesses, the Tribunal shall issue summons for the appearance of such witnesses unless it considers that their appearance is not necessary for the just decision of the case. 

(2) Where summons are issued by the Tribunal under sub-rule (1) to any witness to give evidence or to produce any document, the person so summoned shall be entitled to such travelling and daily allowance sufficient to defray the travelling and other expenses as may be determined by the Registrar which shall be deposited by the party as decided by the Registrar.

53. Substitution of legal representatives.-

(1) Where a party to a proceeding pending before a Bench dies or is adjudged insolvent or, in the case of a company, being wound up, the proceeding shall not abate and may be continued by or against the executor, administrator or other legal representative of the parties or by or against the assignee, receiver or liquidator, as the case may be. 

(2) In the case of death of a party during the pendency of the proceedings before the Tribunal, the legal representative of the deceased party may apply within ninety days of the date of such death for being brought on record. 

(3) Where no petition or application is received from the legal representatives within the period specified in sub-rule (2), the proceedings shall abate: Provided that for good and sufficient reasons shown, the Tribunal may allow substitution of the legal representatives of the deceased at any time before disposing the petition on merits. 

54. Assessors or valuers.- 

(1) In any enquiry into a claim, the Tribunal may call in the aid of assessor or valuer, not exceeding two in number, who possess any technical or special knowledge with respect to any matter before the Tribunal for the purpose of assisting the Tribunal. 

(2) An assessor or valuer shall perform such functions as the Tribunal may direct. 

(3) The remuneration, if any, to be paid to an assessor or valuer shall in every case be determined by the Tribunal and be paid by it in the manner as may be specified by the Tribunal. 55. Pleadings before the Tribunal.- No pleadings, subsequent to the reply, shall be presented except by the leave of the Tribunal upon such terms as the Tribunal may think fit. 56. Application for execution.- For execution of order passed by the Tribunal, the holder of an order shall make an application to the Tribunal in Form NCLT.8. 

57. Issue of process of execution.- 

(1) On receipt of an application under rule 56 the Tribunal shall issue a process for execution of its order in such Form as provided in the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (5 of 1908). (2) The Tribunal shall consider objection, if any, raised by the respondent and make such order as it may deem fit and shall issue attachment or recovery warrant in such form as provided in the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (5 of 1908), as the case may be. 58. Effect of non-compliance.- Failure to comply with any requirement of these rules shall not invalidate any proceeding, merely by reason of such failure, unless the Tribunal is of the view that such failure has resulted in miscarriage of justice. 

59. Procedure for imposition of penalty under the Act.- 

(1) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in any rules or regulations framed under the Act, no order or direction imposing a penalty under the Act shall be made unless the person or the company or a party to the proceeding, during proceedings of the Bench, has been given a show cause notice and reasonable opportunity to represent his or her or its case before the Bench or any officer authorised in this behalf. 

(2) In case the Bench decides to issue show cause notice to any person or company or a party to the proceedings, as the case may be, under sub-rule (1), the Registrar shall issue a show cause notice giving not less than fifteen days asking for submission of the explanation in writing within the period stipulated in the notice.

(3) The Bench shall, on receipt of the explanation, and after oral hearing if granted, proceed to decide the matter of imposition of penalty on the facts and circumstances of the case.