Part - X   : Record of Proceedings

PART X RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS 91. Diaries.—(1) Diaries shall be kept by the clerk-in-charge in such form as may be specified in each appeal or petition or application and they shall be written legibly. (2) The diary in the main file shall contain a concise history of the appeal or petition or application, the substance of the order passed thereon and in execution proceedings, it shall contain a complete record of all proceedings in execution of order or direction or rule and shall be checked by the Deputy Registrar and initialed once in a fortnight. 92. Order sheet.— (1) The Court Master of the Bench shall maintain order sheet in every proceedings and shall contain all orders passed by the Tribunal from time to time . (2) All orders passed by the Tribunal shall be in English and the same shall be signed by the Members of the Tribunal constituting the Bench: Provided that the routine orders, such as call for of the records, put up with records, adjourned and any other order as may be directed by the Member of the Tribunal shall be signed by the Court Master of the Bench. (3) The order sheet shall also contain the reference number of the appeal or petition or application, date of order and all incidental details including short cause title thereof. 93. Maintenance of court diary.— (1) The Court Master of the Bench shall maintain legibly a Court Diary, wherein he shall record the proceedings of the court for each sitting with respect to the applications or petitions or appeals listed in the daily cause list. (2) The matters to be recorded in the court Diary shall include details as to whether the case is adjourned, or part-heard or heard and disposed of or heard and orders reserved, as the case may be, along with dates of next sitting wherever applicable. 78 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART II—SEC. 3(i)] 94. Statutes or citations for reference.—The parties or legal practitioners shall, before the commencement of the proceedings for the day, furnish to the Court Master a list of law journals, reports, statutes and other citations, which may be needed for reference or photocopy of full text thereof. 95. Calling of cases in court.—Subject to the orders of the Bench, the Court Master shall call the cases listed in the cause list in the serial order. 96. Regulation of court work.— (1) When the Tribunal is holding a sitting, the Deputy Registrar shall ensure – (a) that no inconvenience or wastage of time is caused to the Bench in making available the services of Court Master or stenographer or peon or attender; (b) the Court Master shall ensure that perfect silence is maintained in and around the Court Hall and no disturbance whatsoever is caused to the functioning of the Bench and that proper care is taken to maintain dignity and decorum of the court. (2) When the Bench passes order or issues directions, the Court Master shall ensure that the records of the case along with proceedings or orders of the Bench are transmitted immediately to the Registry and the Registry shall verify the case records received from the Court Master with reference to the cause list and take immediate steps to communicate the directions or orders of the Bench.