[See rule 56]


Company Petition No ....... of 20__. 

Application for Execution of Order under clause (3) of section 424 of the Act with reference to a Decree (Order 21, R.11.) I.................., holder of an order passed by the National Company Law Tribunal, hereby apply for execution of the order under the Order 21 Rule 11 of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 read with clause (3) of section 424 of the Act herein below set forth: No. of Company Application/ Company Petition/ Company Appeal/ Misc. Company Application Names of Parties Date of Order Whether any appeal preferred from order Payment or adjustment made, if any Previous application, if any, with date and result Amount with interest due upon the order or other relief granted thereby together with particulars of any cross order/decree. Amount of costs, if any, awarded Amount of costs, if any, awarded Against whom to be executed 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ___ of 20….. A.B. -Applicant/ Petitioner/ Appellant C.D. Respondant Month. __, 20….. No None Application No dated _______ 20__ Result: ` _____ principal interest at __ per cent per annum, from the date of decree till payment ` _____ As awarded in Order No.___ subsequently Incurred Against the defendant C.D. Mode in which the assistance of the Tribunal is required: When attachment as sale of movable property is sought: I pray that the total amount of `......... (together with interest on the principal sum up to date of payment) and the costs of taking out this execution, be realised by attachment and sale of defendant's movable property as per annexed list and paid to me. When attachment and sale of immovable property is sought: I pray that the total amount of ` …... (together with interest on the principal sum up to date of payment) and the costs of taking out this execution be realised by the attachment and sale of defendant's immovable property specified at the foot of this application and paid to me. I............declare that what is stated herein is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Signed, Order /decree-holder. Dated the.......... day of........20..............

[When attachment and sale of immovable property is sought.] Description and Specification of Property The undivided one-third share of the judgment-debtor in a house situated in the village of, value ` ……., and bounded as follows:-- East by G's house; west by H's house; south by public road; north by private lane and J's house. I..................declare that what is stated in the above description is true to the best of my knowledge and belief, and so far as I have been able to ascertain the interest of the defendant in the property therein specified. Signed, Order/ decree-holder. ****(Note: The similar form may also be used for transfer of order to any other Tribunal having territorial jurisdiction to entertain the order of the tribunal as a decree under Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 read with section 424 of the Act) 

(a model only..)